About Us
The history of the United States of America—as is the history of the world—is filled with decades and centuries of racism, ethnocentrism, and nationalism, all representing inhumane categories of inferiority and superiority which ultimately devalue human life. From thousands of moms, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers being systematically killed due to their rich cultural heritage and someone else’s extreme hatred and disregard for it, to images of a dead father and his toddler washed up on the shore due to a lack of hospitality and the presence of fear and indifference, our country, and world, is broken, and in need of reconciliation

The heart of BHK Consulting is for unity, equity, and justice. We believe that the desire for unity—not uniformity—has always been present within man. That a desire for fellowship, belonging, and vulnerability has always resided within us. For many people, that desire has been perverted and inverted towards that of segregation—not unity, but uniformity. As this has occurred, our understanding and practice of equity and justice has equally been distorted. Fairness, impartiality, goodness, and moral uprightness have been bruised and battered, now presenting as wrong, partiality, hate, and corruption. With equity and justice being unrecognizable, how do we move forward?
Founded by Dr. Robert E. Braylock, BHK Consulting exists to bring unity amongst communities and nations from different cultures and backgrounds and establish justice and equity throughout creation. With a theological framework that has grounded abolitionists, activists, and civil rights leaders such as Frederick Douglass, John Rankin, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Millard Fuller, and Emmanuel Katongole, BHK Consulting is strategically positioned to repair and restore the face (image) and feet (action) of unity, equity, and justice in the 21st century.